Tuesday, August 22, 2006


The weather was great for our spontaneous trip to Sydney last weekend. We watched David play rugby (without serious injury) on Saturday and had the dubious experience of watching the All Blacks v the Wallabies sitting in an Australian rugby club, commented by Australian commentators...
Sunday we did the tourist route through central Sydney including the Opera House and the Rocks - then we went over to Manley for dinner. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Jonathan's team won the tournament

Jonathan had his first game of tackle rugby on the weekend at an under 8 tournament. His team won the tournament. As for the tackling - despite all the anticipation he was a bit disappointed - "I got hurt Mum!" He is re-thinking his commitment to rugby... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Natasha's graduation

After four years Natasha got to graduate. She wanted to wear her yellow shoes but agreed that they wouldn't be right with a pink hood so she wore green instead. We were really proud of her.
Tim wants you all to know the great photo is by him! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Wedding Anniversary

OK everyone - party details...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hmmm what would we call this post

Dad showing Granny family history sites on the Net before we had dinner on Easter Sunday
Grandad and Jonathan playing with photo distortion on Adobe Photoshop Elements.
I guess it is the convenience of having a mobile computer. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Commonwealth games opening

Natasha took these photos the night of the Commonwealth Games Opening while she was walking home. (if you click on any photos on the blog you get a slightly bigger version) Posted by Picasa

David's rugby game 1 April

This picture is from David's rugby game against some other team (they lost) but one of the guys in his team has a blog which he is keepign up to date with game news and photos. At least thats the plan except he wasn't there last week. Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 10, 2006

David's view at work

David felt the need to share this photo with Ana last week. It is the view from his workplace. We aren't quite sure what the message was ...maybe he wanted to inspire her to come and visit! Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 03, 2006

Jonathan at rugby club day 2 April

Jonathan is so excited that they will be allowed to start tackling about half way through this season. He cant understand why I am not nearly so thrilled. These pictures are of him doing drills at club day on Sunday with the tackle bag. The ladder exercise amused me as the coach kept telling them to have "light feet" ...shades of ballet.

He is playing for Hutt Old Boys Marist again and most of the team are pretty much the same kids from last year. They start games the last weekend of April
 Posted by Picasa

Getting started

Seeing as we are spreading far and wide and doing all sorts of different things, I thought I'd a family blog to my list of things to do. That way both the close and extended whanau wont have to miss the cute things Jonathan says, the trials and tribulations of our overseas travellers, the challenges met and overcome on the homefront. All without your email inbox being swamped.