Saturday, April 04, 2009

Been a while - Australia, London update,

It's been a while since I have hit any of my blogs - so not sure where to start on the updates for the family one. Probably should start with Tash leaving for London on 2 March. She managed multiple send offs including this one on Saturday night which is a combined celebration for her Granny's birthday and her leaving.

She left just as she was beginning to achieve fame for her graffiti knitting which has now become international with her first tagging in Dublin.

Then a couple of weeks ago Nick and I headed off to Sydney for a long weekend. We had barely got there when David and Lauren took us off to the Hunter Valley for wine trailling (and buying!). It was a great relaxing weekend to celebrate my birthday.

Since then Natasha has got a job and is moving into a new place to live - she was heading off to Brighton this weekend (wonder if she'll remember the Pavilion from when she was 20 months old!) so it looks like she is settled in for a reasonable length OE this time around.